ADHD Therapy

Virtual therapy anywhere in South Carolina

"People without ADHD just don’t get how much effort it takes you to get through the day. It’s a lot. We have to try different things to find routines and tools that work for us. We can’t manage it all in our heads.”

– Stacy Albarran LISW-CP, LMFT/S, LPC/S

If I lose my keys/phone one more time, I’m going to scream.

Feel like your brain's got a hundred tabs open and none of them are loading? 

Procrastination feels like your middle name, concentration seems like a distant dream, and finishing tasks? 

Forget about it. 

It’s like every little thing is a mountain, and you’re stuck at the base, unsure how to climb. 

This constant struggle can make you feel like you’re always playing catch-up, trapped in a cycle of stress and self-doubt.

Making the whirlwind work for you

The good news: We found your car keys. 

The bad news: They were in the fridge. 

But … more good news: You might be a hot mess, but you’re not alone. 

With the right strategies, you can sharpen your focus, transform procrastination into productivity, and turn those half-done tasks into triumphs. 

It's about finding the rhythm that works for you, making your brain's unique wiring an asset rather than an obstacle.

Confession: My keys have ‘gone missing’ a few times, too

I know the ADHD struggle because I’ve lived it. My approach isn’t about fitting you into a neat box—it’s about embracing the chaos and turning it into your strength.

With a mix of personal experience and professional expertise, I guide you through finding the routines and tools that make life smoother and more satisfying.

Who this type of therapy is for:

  • Anyone who feels overwhelmed by ADHD’s impact on daily life.

  • People tired of the endless cycle of procrastination and unfinished tasks.

  • Individuals seeking to harness their creativity and turn their rapid thoughts into productive action.

  • Those who want a therapist who gets the real ADHD experience, not just the textbook version.

Chill out the hot mess.