Childhood Trauma Therapy for Adults

Virtual therapy anywhere in South Carolina

"I help you share the stories you've kept hidden, empowering you to find relief. You'll begin to see that what happened to you is not who you are; it doesn’t define you. It's just one part of a life experience. You get to rewrite your story and own your own script. There’s hope."

– Stacy Albarran LISW-CP, LMFT/S, LPC/S

Unpacking the shadows of your past

Do you carry the weight of unspoken stories from your childhood, feeling like they're etched into who you are today? 

Maybe you're constantly swatting away shadows of neglect, abuse, or loss that creep into your everyday life, shaping how you see yourself and the world. 

It's like walking with invisible chains that tug at your confidence, relationships, and peace of mind. 

This hidden baggage can leave you feeling isolated, misunderstood, and stuck in a cycle of self-doubt and fear.

Rewriting YOUR story, YOUR way

Through therapy, you'll find the strength to voice those untold tales and see them for what they are—just parts of your journey, not the whole story. 

You'll learn to redefine your identity, separate from the trauma, and embrace a future where YOU are in control.

It’s about turning those dark swirly memories into stepping stones towards resilience, joy, and a renewed sense of self.

Finding strength and a fresh start

Over the years I’ve developed a gift for connecting the dots between what happened then with what’s happening now. 

Being able to see that bigger picture is a powerful tool in helping you transform the narrative of childhood trauma. 

I'm here to help you find some peace and take control of your life story again. I'll walk with you towards healing, offering understanding, compassion, and hope.

Who this type of therapy is for:

  • People still feeling the sting of childhood trauma in their grown-up lives.

  • Anyone eager to step out of the shadows of past neglect, abuse, or loss.

  • Folks wanting to figure out who they are beyond their tough experiences.

  • Those searching for a therapist who does more than listen.

 Get help for healing.